Функция технического заказчика. Комплексное строительство. Группа компаний СТЕП


STEP Group is prepared to act as a technical customer under the instructions of the client and bear the responsibility for engineering performance of the designing and construction of an object.

Delegating the technical customer functions to our specialists, an investor may be sure that we will perform all necessary works in appropriate way and in timely manner:

1. Expert’s audit of the object’s condition on the construction preparatory stage.
2. Obtainment of all required initial permissive documentation.
3. Compilation of a detailed assignment of designing.
4. Compilation of construction documents and following-up the whole process of its coordination at all state and expert bodies.
5. Provision for a constant technical supervision over the process of construction and assembly works.
6. Assistance in execution of documents to the object constructed and to its commissioning.

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