In January 2010, in Domodedovsky district of Moscow region, «Lesstor» Ltd., warehouse complex for ice storage and frozen storage within the composition of «PRODCONTRACT», was brought into operation. «STEP» group has developed a project and performed works on reconstruction of the existing dry storage complex. Taking into account the high requirements to energy consumption, restrictions stipulated by the building’s construction and logistics design, the specialists with the engineering department made the optimal design choice to modernise the warehouse complex and equip it with cooled products chamber with controllable temperature regimes.
STEP Group renders services in the area of design, construction and reconstruction of large trading and industrial objects: refrigerating terminals, warehouse complexes, distribution centres, hypermarkets, dairies, meat-packing factories and other objects of industrial and commercial sector.
Since 2008, one of the priorities in our activities has been realisation of large scale projects on ‘a turnkey basis’: we render services from pre-project advice and project development to handover-acceptance of the object, its follow-up maintenance and support during the whole lifetime operating.
In other words, we are prepared to undertake the overall management of an investment project of a client, and guarantee its professional fulfilment.