Sport. Snow-making systems. STEP Group


In order to provide for an ideal sliding, snow cannons and snow guns are used at ski resorts and routs. This technology is capable of working only under conditions of cold and dry air, and therefore it can be used only during high seasons, for example, during a dry winter. When the air temperature reaches above zero levels, it would be more efficient to use WYSS system for artificial snow making. It will provide for a highly efficient work not only under a warm winter conditions, but also in any other season up to 40 degree.

WYSS systems for artificial snow making are used in the sports industry for the following purposes:
• snow-making for ski resorts for en early opening of the season;
• solutions under usage of air conditioning for snow rinks;
• functioning of sheltered tunnels for skiing and biathlon;
• snow-making for routs in the open air for skiing, snowboarding and freestyle work-outs and competitions;

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